2025 Theme: ‘Father, if you want, you can save me from this time of great pain. But I do not ask you to do what I want. Do what you want to do.’ -Luke 22:42

Who is Pastor Dr. Ronald R. Brown, Sr.?

Dr Ronald R. Brown, Sr., was born March 21, 1965 in Lubbock, Texas to Elder Ronnie Brown Sr. and Annie Davis Brown. At the age of seven, he was baptized at the Church of Nazarene in Lubbock, Texas. He has been married to Veronica McClain Brown for 31 years and they are the parents of four children, Ronald Tremaine, Jade, Ronald Jr., and Rayshad.

Dr. Brown earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Electronics Engineering Technology from Texas Tech University. He later continued his studies and earned his Doctorate of Divinity from the Joseph Cooper Theological University. He is also a military veteran and served for six years in the U.S. Army Reserves.

Dr. Brown became a member of New Life Missionary Baptist Church in 2008 and was later licensed to preach the Gospel of Christ while under the mentorship of New Life's Pastor Emeritus Dr. Andrew C. Ford, Jr., and Associate Pastor, Dr. Dotti Ford. After 2 years of preaching the Gospel, Rev. Brown was ordained in 2010 and in 2012 was named New Life's Assistant Pastor. In 2016, Dr. Ronald R. Brown, Sr. was installed as New Life's Pastor.