2025 Theme: ‘Father, if you want, you can save me from this time of great pain. But I do not ask you to do what I want. Do what you want to do.’ -Luke 22:42
To discuss the history of a church without starting with God would be a gross error. God through his Holy Spirit must deal with the mind of man in expanding and continuing His church. God did this through the minds of fourteen believers on April 14, 2004, at the International House of Pancakes (IHOP) in Las Cruces, New Mexico. They were the vessels God used to bring into existence a new local church known as New Life Missionary Baptist
God initially provided several ministers to provide His message including Rev. Anton Niles, Jr. and Rev. Williams. On January 9, 2005, Rev. Richard E. Decatur III was installed as the first Pastor of New Life Missionary Baptist Church. The church made its first move on March 5, 2005, NLMBC moved to a larger sanctuary at 820 Spruce Ave. Las Cruces, NM. The Lord said in His word, “I will add to the church daily such as should be saved,” and He did as our membership continued to grow.
Rev. Decatur left the pastorate on February 28, 2007, and for several months our pulpit was vacant. God blessed us when He sent us Evangelist Dr. Dotti Ford—who brought His message to the church each second Sunday for three months—and Rev. Artis Allen from New Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Alamogordo, NM, who preached for us on the first, third, and fourth Sundays.
On June 10, 2007, after much prayer and deliberation, God called Rev. Dr. Andrew Carnegie Ford, Jr. from Valley Grove Baptist Church in Vado, NM to the pastorate as as New Life’s second Pastor. The Lord truly blessed New Life under Pastor Ford’s leadership with approximately 2 ½ acres of land, a sanctuary in place and ready for occupancy, and additional 7 ½ acres. Also, through God’s blessings, the property was paid off a few years later.
On January 1, 2016, Rev. Dr. Ronald R. Brown Sr., became the third and current Pastor of NLMBC and our membership continues to grow under Dr. Brown. We continue to give God the Glory and praise for which He is truly and forever worthy. In brief is the record of our church’s history.
Our church provides a foundation for faith, love, protection, friendships, and continually reminds us that we belong to a much larger circle and we’re never meant to be alone. We want to always praise God here at New Life Missionary Baptist Church, as we thank Him continuously for where He has brought us and where He will lead us. It is our desire to have favor with all of God’s people according to His word.